Mon - Fri 9:00-18:00
10th floor, The Down Town building, Jamiyangun street, Sukhbaatar district, khoroo-1, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

"ORKHON-Gobi"water supply project

We have been undertaking following works for the “Orkhon-Gobi” project by the order of Mongolian National Water Center: Geotechnical surveys

  • - Topogeodesy surveys
  • - Geophysical investigations and surveys
  • - Completed hydro-technical investigations and surveys - Developed general technical solutions
  • - Implemented pre-feasibility study

Following works are proposed to be done under the “Îrkhon-Gobi” project:

  •  730 million m3 water reservoir by regulating orkhon river flow;
  •  25 mW hydropower station, 70 m high and 300 m long concrete dam, water intake structure and fish ladder;
  •  Seven or eight pump stations and 920 km long main and distribution pipeline with 200 mm to 1500 mm diameter which passes through two large cities and ten more soums and supplies water to 50 farms;
  •  7 to 8 pump stations;

We implemented Terms of reference of feasibility study for this project financed from MINIS project of World bank in 2014.